Thursday, March 12, 2009


Tittle: Olympic Value: Friendship

Name: Nur Farahin (14) Class:2E3



Friendship is one of the major value that is shown in every olympic games as without friendship, olympic would be a disaster and people would not help out each other when there is trouble or teamwork will not exist.


final write up for CME blog .

The Olympic Games are an international multi-sporting event which was established for both the summer and winter sports . There have been two generations of the Olympic Games ; the first were the Ancient Olympic Games held at Olympia ,Greece and the second one , which is the current Olympic Games , were first revived in 1895 by the Greek philanthropist Evangelis Zappas in Athens , Greece .

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) , was founded in 1894 on the initiative of a French nobleman , Pierre Frédy , Baron de Coubertin , and has become the governing body of the Olympic Movement , a conglomeration of sporting federations responsible for the organization of the Games .
The evolution of the Olympic Movement during the 20th century forced the IOC to adapt its own vision of the Games in several ways . The original ideal of a pure amateur athlete had to change under the pressure of corporate sponsorships and political regimes. The modern Olympics feature the traditional Summer and the Winter Games, along with the more recent Paralympic and Youth Olympic Games, each with a summer and winter version . Participation in the Games has increased to the point that nearly every nation on Earth is represented .
This growth has created numerous challenges, including political boycotts, the use of performance enhancing drugs, bribery of officials, and terrorism . The Games encompass many rituals and symbols established during its beginning, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Most of these traditions are displayed in the opening and closing ceremonies, and the medal presentations. Despite the current complexity of the Games, the focus remains on the Olympic motto, Citius, Altius, Fortius — "Faster, Higher, Stronger".

the Olympic can be counted as the biggist happening event that happen once every four years . But the Olympic is not just any sports games , it actually spread the value of friendship, respect, resilience and excellence worldwide . Most of the people love watching the Olympics on television or on air but what do we actually know about the Olympics ?

Frankly , the Olympic values actually mean alot , both to the game and in reality . I think that it is great to hear stories about such values to build up our own personal knowledge especially when we start to adventure into the real world outside school . Despite all this I found out the previous Olympic (the Bei Jing Olympic)'s mascot was : friendship . I hope that everyone of us will understand the true spirit of the Olympic and its values .

It is true that almost in every Olympic games , every olympian will shake their hands after every game/event . friendship is a very important value in the Olympics as friendship will eventually lead to team spirit which is what every team in the olympics want to have . if a team were to prevent a lot of disagreement among themselves and help each other , than they will not only win/lose with pride but they will also learn alot through both being coach and from the game itself .

Chicago 2016 Stresses Friendship Chicago 2016 unveiled its new tag line -- "Let Friendship Shine" - as it begins dressing up the city for the IOC Evaluation Commission visit in April. The new tagline will be seen immediately in bid advertising on bus shelters, newspaper boxes, city information signs and light poles around Chicago. "For us, it's about building friendship through sport," bid spokesman Patrick Sandusky tells Around the Rings, "the fact that Chicago is one of the friendliest cities in the world, the diversity of the city, and we have this great celebration center in the heart of the city."

There are many myths surrounding the origin of the ancient Olympic Games ; the most popular ones are Heracles and his father Zeus (progenitors of the Games .)
[1] According to the legend , Zeus held sporting events in honor of his defeat of Cronus and succession to the throne of heaven .

[2] Heracles , his eldest son, defeated his brothers in a running race and was crowned with a wreath of wild olive branches .

[3] It is Heracles who first called the Games "Olympic" and established the custom of holding them every four years .

[4] One popular story claims that after Heracles completed his twelve labors, he went on to build the Olympic stadium and surrounding buildings as an honor to Zeus . After the stadium was complete, he walked in a straight line for 200 steps and called this distance a "stadion" (Latin: stadium, "stage"), which later became a unit of distance. Another myth associates the first Games with the ancient Greek concept of Olympic truce (ekecheiria). The most widely held estimate for the inception of the Ancient Olympics is 776 BC. Inscriptions have been found of the winners of a footrace held every four years starting in 776 BC with Koroebus, who became the first Olympic champion.

[5] From then on, the Olympic Games quickly became important throughout ancient Greece. They reached their zenith in the 6th and 5th centuries BC. The Olympics were of fundamental religious importance, featuring sporting events alongside ritual sacrifices honoring both Zeus (whose colossal statue stood at Olympia) and Pelops, divine hero and mythical king of Olympia. Pelops was famous for his legendary chariot race with King Oenomaus of Pisatis.

[6] The winners of the events were admired and immortalized in poems and statues.

[7] The Games were held every four years, known as an Olympiad, and this period was used by Greeks as one of their units of time measurement. The Games were part of a cycle known as the Panhellenic Games, which included the Pythian Games, the Nemean Games, and the Isthmian Games.
[8] Gradually, though, the Games declined in importance as the Romans gained power and influence in Greece. There is conjecture that Roman emperor Theodosius I, in an attempt to re-assert Christianity as the official religion of the Empire, outlawed the Games in 393 AD due to its perceived links with paganism.
[9] After the demise of the Olympics, they were not held again for another 1,500 years.

Here below are some of the past and recent photos:

This left is the ancient olympic place ehere they use to have a marathon.

Words in
green are extracted from:
Full story of Youth Olympic Games(YOG)

Differences from Olympic Games

YOG 2010 takes the next step

About the award

Past Winners

Photos are from:,_St._Moritz,_Winterolympiade.jpg

May have Technical problem..with hyperlink


I learn that Olympic is a big event that is happening almost every year and Olympic is not just a sports games instead it brings up the value of friendship, respect, resilience to both the player and also the audience. It is nice to learn about Olympic although I am not that interested in it as it also could resemble true everyday life that we may not know. It is good that I realize the value of the Olympic. I felt great to hear stories about resilience especially as I heard of one story of a person that is seriously injured during a marathon yet he never gave up his hope and manage to finish the race despite getting last instead of thinking to be the first. Despite all this I found out the previous Olympic (Bie Jing Olympic) that the mascot represent friendship and when all the name of it is join it become Welcome to Bei Jing. I really hope that people would understand the true Olympic value and it is `good' that some school practice the value of Olympic and some even start a mini Olympic games in the school itself. This would help the student to understand better about sports and also to keep them healthy.