Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Science: Sexual Education

Talking about sex. At first it sounds awful as this is not the topic in mind but since its for studies then it alright cause nowdays teens does not really know the consiquences of sex.

Before I start about it I know two types of sex which is:

1)Asexual-- Is only for unicellular cell like yeast and bateria since it only a single cell organism.

2)Sexual-- Is sex that requires the male sex cell (sperm) and female sex cell (ova/egg) to form new life.

Premarital sex is when a sex was unplanned normally before the couple married.

Here are some example of birth control(contreception):

1)Rhythm method:

- sex after menstruation but before ovulation.

- Use of condoms for men.

- Use of spermicides,the pill, cap/diaphram

*Note: IUD(Intra-Uterine Device) is not a form of birth controll as is does not prevent pregnancy but is does not allow the embryo to implant the wall of uterus.

2)Pemenent method:

- Vasectomy-- for men which is cut and tied at the sperm ducts.

-Lagitation--for women which is cut and tied at the fallopian tube.

Sex Desease:

1) Gonorrhoea-- Cause blindness to new born baby etc.Cured only by anti-biotics at early stage.

2) Syphilis-- Cause sores to mouth and reproductive area and blind,deaf or even death to new born baby etc. Cured using anti-biotics like gonorrhea at early stage.

3) AIDS(normally from a desease which is HIV)-- Cause fatigue, severe diahorrhea, sweat at night and loss of weight etc. There is no cure for AIDS.

This is cause due to:

- Sharing of drugs or needles.

- Sex with an infected partner.

- Infected women to baby through breastfeeding.