Sunday, August 30, 2009

Civics & Moral Education

Name:Nur Farahin
Index no. : (14)
Date of submission :30 August 2009
Choice of video: Video 4

1. Suggest the possible options you will do.
Decide not to do.
-Kill an innocent thing.
-Tell lies.
-Have a weapon in hand.
Decide to do.
- Tell truth.
- Do what is right instead of the wrong.
2. What factors do you think would affect your decision.
Decite not to do.
- Making people think that you are forever guilty.
- Losing trust from people whom cares.
Decide to.
- People will still trust you.
- You won't feel very bad.
3. What do you think would be the consequences of your decision?
Did not do.
- I would be very sad, lonely and hurt just like the way i did to others.
- People will think bad of me.
Did do.
- I wont made other people upset about my behavior.
- I wont feel guilty inside.